As a registered company, we can undertake your Electrical Installation Condition Report (EICR), during this we’ll run through all the electrical equipment in the property that needs testing and check the compliance with regulations. If any test results are unsatisfactory, we can give you recommendations of changes you can make to ensure that the property is safe for habitation and within the given condition guidelines. We can undertake a complete check, everything from power sockets through to the more substantial electric devices. This is including all the kitchen appliances and light fittings throughout the property. We can repair any damage and if circuits need redesigning, or any work needs to be done to the property; we can give you a quote. In addition to this, if you are a residential landlord that is unsure of the safety checks that need to be carried out within your property, you can contact us at East Kent Electrical. We can run through the detail of the checks that need to be carried out, who needs to receive copies of the information, and how we can help you pass your checks (or help redesign/provide safe electrical appliances).
Remember, the changes will be enforced by local authorities. Authorities that are responsible for enforcing the new regulations and can impose a financial penalty of up to £30,000 if they find a landlord is in breach of their duty. If all this is ignored, the local authority can take legal action against the landlord. This means you should make sure you read up about, and follow the guidelines, follow them to the letter!
You can also download more details on landlord guidance by clicking here.
A local, family electrical contracting business based in East Kent Covering – Thanet, Margate, Ramsgate, Broadstairs whose aim is to meet all your home improvement needs; covering your whole project or just certain parts to suit your budget.